We hold regular weekly meditation evenings with occasional special events with non-duality teachers both in person and on zoom. Further details can be found on the website: https://sharedsatsangs.co.uk/ Read more...
A small gathering of friends in Germany, near Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. For Meditation and sharing our experience with the direct path. If available webinars can be watched together. Read more...
We will focus on teachings from Rupert Spira, meditate, and open the circle of participants for exploration and questions. “There are three possibilities in life: to be something, nothing or everything. In the first, there is suffering; in the second, there is peace, and in the third, there is happiness and peace” -Rupert Spira The Direct Path or pathless path Read more...
This group is a very friendly and warm lively gathering of like-minded Rupert friends who come together to build community, friendships and an understanding of Rupert’s teaching and its relevance in our daily lives. There is a lot of conversation, laughter, reflection and discussion Read more...
This group is for people born between 1985-2000 who have attended a Rupert Spira or other non-duality retreat or event, and are deeply interested into the topic. The inspiration for the name of the group came after my own experience at a retreat in Buckland Hall – it was the closest experience to Paradise on Earth! We meet about once Read more...
The meeting begins with one of Rupert’s meditations or a silent meditation. We share insights, thoughts and/or feelings about our actual process of awakening and realignment and listen to and view Rupert’s videos. Read more...
We meet to experience the teachings of Rupert Spira, both through watching his teaching and meditation video’s and through our group discussion / fellowship. We generally meet in my home several Sunday mornings a month from 10:00am to 1:00pm, depending on if I’m in Portland. Please check this site to get the actual scheduled dates: https://www.meetup.com/Portland-Rupert-Spira-teachings-Meetup/ Read more...
We have been meeting virtually since the pandemic. The first hour or so is viewing or listening to one of Rupert’s meditations. The second hour is sharing and discussing from the heart any questions or experiences that were evoked by the meditation. Read more...
Sebastopol nondual gathering. Twice a month we offer an open group based on Rupert’s teachings. We begin with a video–usually a dialogue session–with a potluck dinner afterward. Our focus is on sharing ourselves, not to discuss the teachings. We met on the first and third Saturdays before the pandemic, but once we are able to meet in person again, it Read more...